Mission and Objectives
Our objectives are outlined in the following scripture: 3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may prosper and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”We are fully aware that suffering and health problems are all as a consequence of sin, and since we accept that our bodies are temples of the Living God; hence we are obligated to care for our bodies. Therefore we believe in and encourage holistic healthy lifestyles, involving our physical body, spiritual body and our emotions.
8 FOODS FOR LONGER AND HEALTHIER LIFEAdapted from Loma Linda Adventist University Health Studies
Source Loma Linda Adventist University REseach Studies NBC TV Today Show - Health Segment |
InStep for Life
InStep Activity Tracker GuideIn order to reach our goal of two million miles of physical activity each year, we are providing the InStep for Life physical activity tracker. We encourage all church members and friends to join! You can also join as part of a Pathfinders group, school, or hospital. The InStep tracking system allows you to report your physical activity. You can register as an individual to report your own miles, or as a site coordinator for your church, school or hospital.
1.Create an account at adventistsinstepforlife.org. You only need to do this once. 2.Log in to record your miles. You will automatically be taken to the reporting page when you log into your account. |
InStep Paper Reporting GuideYou can also continue to use the paper log below to track your daily activity. You can then report weekly or monthly totals online or give the log sheet to your site coordinator. Site coordinators will report for their site the number of total miles of the members or friends of their organization (church, school, or hospital). We do encourage you to use the online reporting as much as possible so you can achieve milestones for individual awards.
Download a paper log from adventistinstepforlife.org to print and fill out a Physical Activity Log to track your miles. |
InStep Smartphone App GuideDownload the InStep for Life app on your Apple or Android phones to track as you go.
Reference/Source: NAD SDA Health Ministries Activity Tracker Webpage https://nadhealth.org/instep-for-life/activity-tracker/ |
Start your Healthy Lifestyle with Prayers, by committing to a spiritual connection with our Creator, who is our real Healer of physical, spiritual and emotional disorders or sicknesses. Also spend time in the Word of God.
Raising a family isn’t always easy. You are busy, and so are your children. There is a lot to do in little time. But the stakes are high. Today, many kids are overweight or obese. A healthy, active lifestyle can help maintain weight. It also can prevent health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and high blood pressure.
It is important to create healthy habits early on. These will help you make smart choices for your family. Children imitate their parents, so it’s important to set a good example. The tips below can help your family be healthy and happy.
Raising a family isn’t always easy. You are busy, and so are your children. There is a lot to do in little time. But the stakes are high. Today, many kids are overweight or obese. A healthy, active lifestyle can help maintain weight. It also can prevent health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and high blood pressure.
It is important to create healthy habits early on. These will help you make smart choices for your family. Children imitate their parents, so it’s important to set a good example. The tips below can help your family be healthy and happy.
Path To Improved Health
1. Eating Better for Children & Families
2. Eating Better for Parents
3. Being More Active for Children & Families
4. Being More Active for Parent
This article was contributed by familydoctor.org editorial staff. Copyrights: American Association of Family Physicians |